Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Find your yoga.

One of the things I love most about yoga is that for 90 minutes (give or take a few on any given day) I'm focused on nothing but myself, my breathing, my body, my sensations, my intuition, my voice.  I get to give myself over to myself which seems to be somewhat of a luxury these days.

For many of us, if not all of us, today's world is one of constant contact.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Billboards, radio commercials, political ads, street sign twirlers, the guy yelling about deals at the swap meet, pop up ads, spam email, etc. (the list could go on an on) are constantly in our personal space.  Some of these things we let in voluntarily and some force their way in.  With so much "noise" vying for our attention, how and when do we take time to hear ourselves?  What happens to that voice inside?  Can you even hear it anymore?  Are you even listening?  Would you know that voice if you heard it?  And would you take heed, or just ignore it and file it away somewhere with all the other noise you need to sort through?

Yoga is the best tool I've come across to help me sort through what's real and what is not, what is my voice and what is not, what is best for me and what is not and ultimately root down to the bottom myself and help me find something authentic to share.  I'm still sorting and I'm still rooting and every day the picture gets clearer.  

Yoga allows me to take a moment for myself; to connect back in with myself and to just be.  In the moment of breath, body and mind together as one, lost in myself yet wide awake.  Beautiful.  Everyday my yoga comes more off the mat and more into every moment of my life.

I teach yoga to share this gift that I have found; to help others find their yoga and the blessed voice that guides them.

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